Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Breakfast for champions... and fighting jetlag

You come back home after vacation and there is nothing in the fridge... Then you wake-up in the middle of the night, starving... and you start eating Plazma that you've brought back with you on the plane. Then you try to sleep some more... before you get up feeling even more hungry... How nice would it be if there was a breakfast ready and waiting for you. Well, it can be done! All you need to do is take two minutes before you go to sleep the night before to mix these ingredients in a jar and leave them to work their magic in the fridge overnight. Voila! The breakfast is ready by itself :)

2 servings


  • 1 cup rolled-oats
  • 1 cup milk (I prefer to use vanilla soy milk here, as I always keep a carton in the pantry) 
  • 1/2 cup dried goji berries
  • 2 Tbsp coconut sugar
  • 2 Tbsp flax seeds
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds



  1. Hahahah! I love this -breakfast for champs and jet lag ! But how you do it, I mean the two minutes before you go to bed -WHEN YOU CRASH :) Still it is a breakfast for champions! Will try this for sure! I love goji berries!

  2. :) I think it is best to do it right away when we come back home. You know, before we start changing water filters, checking on the plants and wondering around about how everything seems like we are not in Kansas anymore, and so much bigger than in Serbia :) In those first few minutes of rush when we step into home is when we should do it and then crash in bed :) hahaha

  3. p.s. I forgot to mention that it is only 413 calories!! ... in case one may decide to be on a diet upon returning home ;)

  4. "And you start eating Plazma that you've brought back.." I am laughing so much!!! :-) I can totally see the scene :-)
    Thanks for a great breakfast recepie!

    Mima Lozana

    1. Merci beaucoup, Mima! You are welcome, glad you liked the recipe and got some good laugh ;) hehe Plazma rulez!!

  5. Da li ovo semenje (flex+chia) dodaje neki ukus, ili je to samo da bi recept zvucao zdravo? :)

  6. Da li ovo semenje (flex+chia) dodaje neki ukus, ili je to samo da bi recept zvucao zdravo? :)

  7. Chia-seeds kad nabubri tokom noci pomaze da bude vise kasasto kao puding, a ne vodeno. Flex seed (ne mleveni, nego bas u zrnu) mi se cini da dodaje ukus, onako kao blagi ukus oraha, i bude hrskavo. :) Mislim da goji berries daju glavnu karakteristiku ukusu ovde. Inace, ja ih nisam nikad ranije jela jer mi nisu imale nikakav ukus i mislila sam da je to samo trenutni hir. Ovde nekako pomesane dodju do izrazaja, sto mi je bilo najvece iznenadjenje.
